LOCOPIAS Manual Inland Waterway Vessels  2025
Loading Computer Software
Preliminary notes

Ship-specific data.
This manual contains a general description of background and modus operandi of the LOCOPIAS software. Particulars which are specific for a vessel or installation are included in a separate document, labelled “Ship-specific data and test conditions”.
Test your loading software at regular intervals.

Your software contains some unmodifiable loading conditions, the so-called test conditions. These are intended to be used for verification of the correct operation of LOCOPIAS. Be sure to compute the test conditions (as discussed in Output) at frequent intervals and compare the program results with the output as included in the “Ship-specific data and test conditions” booklet. A record of these verifications can be kept using the forms as included in the last chapter of that booklet.

For a detailed description of the verification procedure see Verification of the calculation results.

Pictures and tables presented in this manual are used as examples only.
The examples from this general manual are fictional and do not refer to your specific ship.
Users of LOCOPIAS must be qualified.
Correct definition of input data and correct interpretation of calculation results requires a certain level of training and skill; it is of vital importance to make sure that the person operating LOCOPIAS is indeed qualified for these operations. This remains the responsibility of the master.
Terms of use of the software.
See License conditions.
The structure of this manual.
On the next page the manual starts, directly aimed at the ship-related aspects, such as loading and stability, while computer-related subjects can be found at the end of this manual. That is a well-considered choice, made in order to concentrate on the heart of the matter. Those who wish to focus on the operation of LOCOPIAS first can now refer to Operation of LOCOPIAS and general functions and Preview of output to screen, and export of computation results. For installation of LOCOPIAS please refer to Installation of LOCOPIAS