New feature in Layout: weight and Centers of Gravity of planes
It will be well known that for the definition of spaces and compartments in PIAS, the ‘physical planes’ provide a very efficient modelling tool. Obviously, these planes will in practice be used to model bulkheads and decks.
Recently, the data storage of the physical planes has been enhanced to include a specific weight (which is the average weight of the plane in ton/m2). This is used in a new feature, labelled ‘Area table’, which includes for each plane its area, CoG and weight. At the end of the table total weight and CoG is listed.
Although this table provides only a rough approximation of the internal steel hull weight, it is still a useful tool in the early design stage, because it is so tightly integrated with the design model of the internal geometry. At present, the shell weight is not included in this list, although the weight and CoG of the shell plates can be computed with the shell plate expansion function of Fairway.