Two-way 3D data exchange between PIAS and CADMATIC Hull
In the last few years SARC and CADMATIC have joined forces to develop a collaborative ship design system together with Conoship. This collaboration has been called the Dutch Collaborative Platform for the Design and Engineering of Ships (CPDES) research project.
In the early design stage, most small and medium-sized shipyards and design offices have difficulty controlling consistency when exchanging the ship’s arrangement and hull data between the 2D General Arrangement (G.A.) plan and stability analysis tools. The exchange of design data is often done manually and it can take days to implement design changes like repositioning decks or bulkheads in the G.A. plan and analyzing the effects on the various design calculation applications. Performing damage stability calculations very late in the basic design process, for example, often involves a lot of rework and increased building costs if the design does not fulfil the requirements.
Time-consuming design data exchanges and managing the consistency of design data are designers’ main challenges. Therefore, uniform, modern data exchange interfaces between early design software tools and steel design software tools are very beneficial.
With a focus on bulkheads & decks, compartments and piping, we created a V1.0 implementation, which covers intensively used data and actions, as well as a comprehensive manual and other instruction materials.
SARC and CADMATIC achieved the following for bulkheads and decks:
- A two-way 3D data exchange between PIAS and CADMATIC Hull
- A 3D data synchronization mechanism between PIAS and CADMATIC Hull
- Communicate design changes with synchronized Logbook entries
- User-friendly settings and features to facilitate communication between the systems
This function is now available in PIAS and CADMATIC Hull, please contact us by phone or e-mail for more information.