PIAS Manual  2025
Program for the Integral Approach of Shipdesign
Settings and auxiliary tools

When this option is selected the next submenu appears:

Fairway project settings

The project settings for Fairway can be entered in a property sheet which pops up when choosing this option. In the same sheet also GUI settings can be done; from the Graphical User Interface (GUI) this sheet is accessible from the menu [File]→[Preferences...]→[Fairway Project Settings...]. The settings are ordered in several tabs, which are discussed below.

General Fairway settings

Time interval automatic save
This option lets you specify the approximate time interval (in minutes) between two automatic save actions of the program. With a time interval of zero the automatic save functionality is disabled. The user can control in which of the saved design variants the hull shape is saved automatically, see File history.
Standard mean deviation
This is the mean deviation as used during the fairing of new curves. This value can be adjusted for individual curves, as described in Fair. See also the option [Uniform mean deviations].
Naming convention cross sections
This is the naming convention used for new frames, and can also be set in [Systemize polycurve names].
Design using a target SAC
Switching this option on enables the user of Fairway to design on the basis of a sectional area curve (SAC), so that frames can be shaped towards a given volume and longitudinal center of buoyancy (LCB) ( Show Target Frame Area). This target SAC can be generated ( The use of Lap diagrams) and manually manipulated ( Change the shape of the SAC). Because Fairway also offers excellent tools for shape transformation ( Hullform transformation) by which the volume and LCB of an existing hull can be adjusted at any time, working with a target SAC is not necessary. Therefore this option can be left unchecked (the default) which simplifies the user interface of Fairway.
Enable wireframe modeling
Switching this option on enables functionality for working with wireframes and loose curves and points. This is a special feature of Fairway. Because the conversion of a wireframe into a solid can be challenging, we do not recommend novice and intermediate users to start a new design based on a wireframe. In any case, the user should be familiar with the contents of Wireframes. Normally this option is off, to reduce the complexity of the user interface of Fairway. The option is turned on automatically after importing a wireframe from DXF or IGES.

With curved surfaces

The settings here are identical to the settings described in Settings.

Configuration GUI

This tab is only accessible when activated from the Graphical User Interface (GUI) menu [File]→[Preferences...]→[Common Settings...].

Maximum plotting inaccuracy
To draw a line on the screen the line has to be divided into very many tiny straight line pieces. Dividing a curved curve into more straight line pieces increases the draw accuracy, at the expense of processing time. With this option the maximum allowed deviation, in millimetres, between the mid of the line piece and the curved curve can be given.
Maximum angle of two adjacent linelets
Complementary to the previous option the maximum angle between two successive line pieces can be entered. The same rule can be applied here: decreasing this angle increases plotting accuracy and computation time.

The user preferences that control the appearance of the GUI are accessed from the GUI menu bar using options [File]→[Preferences...]. Changes in these preferences are persistent across sessions for each user individually. It is possible to manage different sets of preferences and to copy them to other installations or share them with co-workers, as explained in Managing various sets of user preferences.

Uniform weight factors

This function is also available from within the GUI as [Bulk Change of All Curves].

This will give all points in the model a neutral weight factor. For a discussion of point weights see Basics of Fairway.

Uniform mean deviations

This function is also available from within the GUI as [Bulk Change of All Curves].

While fairing a curve, see Fair, it is possible to adjust the mean deviation between the curve and its points. This option will reset the mean deviation for all curves in the model to the default value specified in General Fairway settings.

Verification of network and curves

This functionality has been moved to the graphical user interface, see Check Solid.

Make all curves consistent

When this option is selected, new splines will be calculated for all curves (with a constant mean deviation of 0.0001 mm). This is done in such a way that the consistency between the spline representations of all curves and the points of the network is guaranteed. This can result in a model that deviates from the desired model. When dealing with a curves in a plane (for example a frame) all points and splines will be pressed in that plane. This function is also available from within the GUI as [Bulk Change of All Curves].

Remove all internal points from all curves

With this option it is possible to remove all internal points of the curves in the network. The definition of internal and external points within Fairway has been given in Basics of Fairway. For example, this option can be used before sending (converting) the hullform to the hydrodynamic program Dawson (MARIN). This function is also available from within the GUI as [Bulk Change of All Curves].

Close vessel at deck

For some options it may be necessary to close the vessel at the top. This option connects the highest point of each frame with the centerline plane.