PIAS Manual  2025
Program for the Integral Approach of Shipdesign
Define main dimensions and other ship parameters

This menu, accessible from the Fairway main menu, is also found in Hulldef. For the operation of Fairway the first option is of primary interest, and possibly the fourth, discussed below. All other ship hull parameters that can be specified in this menu are only used for successive calculations with PIAS. These parameters are discussed in Define main dimensions and further ship parameters.

Main dimensions (design) & hull coefficients

Here main dimensions for the hull design can be specified, and, in addition, also a number of hull form coefficients that are used as target values in the design. With these coefficients (block coefficient, LCB and midship coefficient) a SAC can be generated, which can be utilized in two ways:

Also the SAC itself can be generated in two ways, either automatically, see Hullform transformation, or by interactive graphical manipulation, see Change the shape of the SAC.

Frame spacings

If construction frame spacings have been defined in this menu, then length positions of frames in the actions [New Planar Polycurve by Intersection] and [Move polycurve] can be inspected and modified in terms of construction frame numbers and an optional offset in millimeters. The settings for this option are discussed in Frame spacings.